If you DVR'd last night's episode of TV's only good traditional sitcom How I Met Your Mother, (no, 30 Rock and The Office do not count) don't watch this, but if you didn't...here's the best part: Barney remembers his first time (warning: original!):
Geek side note: I love how internet-influenced this show has always been.
Also, I'm starting a thing where we just call it "'Mother", okay?
Also, you know how, with the X-Files, there were two types of episodes: the self-contained ones where something scary is investigated, and the "mythology" ones with the cigarette smoking man? You don't? You mean you didn't live with your comic book geek boyfriend all through college in the late 90's? You're so lucky! Anyway, there are two kinds of 'Mothers: the really funny ones and the relationshippy ones. So if you happen to tune in for the first time and parts of it are more plot driven and "aww" (while still containing funny Barneyisms), don't worry: next week's will probably be a nonstop laugh episode.
I know. I care way, way too much.
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