100% of the people involved in this are awesome (this will be every other Thursday, produced by Alex Blagg):
100% of the people involved in this are awesome (this will be every other Thursday, produced by Alex Blagg):
Posted by Lindsay Robertson at 04:15 PM in comedy events | Permalink | Comments (0)
My friend Max Silvestri did an interview with Gridskipper about his favorite NYC places to consume things. Today, they have a map of those places.
A good place to see Max perform comedy would be at his monthly show, "I Like Attention", the next of which is this Sunday, October 14 at 8pm. His co-host this month is none other than Gabe Delahaye. I can't wait!
Incidentally, I'm 99% sure that Max's tshirt in the (above) Gridskipper picture is an illustration from a 70's-era "Where do Babies Come From?" book I checked out from the library when I was in elementary school. (In retrospect, I checked out that entire section. I guess I probably wasn't fooling anyone, huh?)
Posted by Lindsay Robertson at 12:56 PM in comedians, comedy , comedy events , friends | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tomorrow night: Just an Evening? with Michelle Collins and guests:
John Mulaney from Best Week Ever
Gabe Liedman, Super Deluxe man about town
Katina Corrao, funny lady New York supreme
Alex Blagg, bestweekever.tv bloggerman
332 E. 11th St. btwn 1st and 2nd Ave
Tuesday, August 21 @ 10 PM
I saw Michelle last week and she KILLED! Also, the guests!? This will be an awesome show.
She's having another one next Tuesday at 10.
Posted by Lindsay Robertson at 04:27 PM in comedy events | Permalink | Comments (0)
* We posted the August Ritalin Reading lineup. Also there is now a widget type deal right there to your right that will have the upcoming lineup as soon as it's posted. I was very busy this weekend.
* Speaking of, the aforementioned I Like Attention show last night was SO AWESOME. Every second of it was hysterical - I highly recommend going next month.
Posted by Lindsay Robertson at 01:29 PM in comedy , comedy events , ritalin readings | Permalink | Comments (1)
Posted by Lindsay Robertson at 12:27 PM in comedians, comedy , comedy events | Permalink | Comments (0)
UPDATE: Carey and Kerry guessed correctly. Zach's "brother" is Seth Galifianakis.
I don't usually do contests but come on, this one is like tailor-made (when I found out about this event I said "Zach G, Bad art and Band of Horses? If I don't go I'm NOT ME!")
Tomorrow night at Hiro Ballroom, New York Magazine is having a benefit for New York Cares at which:
* Zach Galifianakis will auction off bad art
* Band of Horses will play a full set
To buy tickets, go here
To enter to win tickets, send me an email with the name of Zach Galifianakis's "brother" in the subject line by midnight EST tonight.
Posted by Lindsay Robertson at 12:44 PM in "art" , comedians, comedy events | Permalink | Comments (0)
Event Tonight: YouTube Show and Tell with Julie and Jackie and special guests David Cross, Jon Benjamin, Leo Allen and Amelie Gillette at Mo's at 8:30.
Posted by Lindsay Robertson at 03:32 PM in comedians, comedy events , david cross | Permalink | Comments (0)
* Just so there's no confusion, I'm not guest-blogging on a Law blog. This is one of those Postal Service v US Postal Service situations where confusion is not possible. (I would like to see some Highdeas over there though. Also, I hope I'm The Postal Service in that analogy.)
* Jonathan Coulton in the New York Times wooooo!!
* The lineup for the May 24th Ritalin Reading (next Thursday!) is set. It's very comedian-heavy this month, which was accidental, but awesome:
Alex Blagg (VH1 Best Week Ever)
Jon Friedman (The Rejection Show)
Greg Johnson (Comedian)
Adam Lowitt (The Daily Show)
Kristen Schaal (Comedian)
Mandy Stadtmiller (Comedian)
* This Wednesday, May 16, at 8: I'm a panelist on What's My Line? Live at Parkside Lounge. I'm told the surprise celebrity guest will be awesome (but that's true every month.)
Posted by Lindsay Robertson at 02:47 PM in bloggers/blogging, comedy events , ritalin readings | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tonight at Mo's at 9pm: Ritalin Readings! Lineup:
This show's vague theme is "Marry/F**k/Kill" and the 4-minute time limit per reader will be enforced with supersoakers 99 cent store squirt guns.
Hosted by Gabriel Delahaye and me.
Produced by Jon Friedman (The Rejection Show)
April 24th at 9PM
Mo Pitkin's House of Satisfaction 34 Avenue A (b. 2nd and 3rd St.) F or V train to Second Ave. 212-777-5660 $6
Posted by Lindsay Robertson at 12:13 PM in comedians, comedy , comedy events , ritalin readings | Permalink | Comments (1)
The coolest thing ever happened last Friday. Because our friend AJ Daulerio is moving to Philadelphia, Will Leitch and Aileen Gallagher organized a surprise roast for him. For over a month, we had to keep it secret, but it was all worth it when it went off without a hitch (AJ was surprised, tons of his friends came out, we were funny, and he loved it). Gawker videographer Richard Blakeley was there to capture AJ's speech at the end of the roast:
One of the best nights of my life! (Note: if only ONE other roast takes place in the next six months, this will officially qualify as a Sunday Styles trend piece.)
Some photos after the jump. (UPDATE: NINE MINUTE long video on Deadspin. Unfortunately, technical difficulties prevented Eric Gillin's roast from being included, which sucks since he was hysterical.)
Continue reading "The Roast of AJ Daulerio: Best. Thing. Ever." »
Posted by Lindsay Robertson at 11:43 AM in bloggers/blogging, comedy events , friends , funny video, my awesome weekend omg | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tonight is the monthly What's My Line? Live show at Parkside Lounge, on which I'm a panelist. FAQS:
Q: Is it "Whose Line is it Anyway?"
A: No, it's "What's My Line?", which was a very popular TV show for many years, where panelists guess contestants' jobs using yes or no questions, and later, are blindfolded and must figure out who a celebrity guest is.
Q: Celebrity guests! Who have been some of the celebrity guests on this show in the past?
A: Michael Musto, The Trachtenberg Family, Martha Plimpton, and more!
Q: Has there ever been an actual prostitute on the show, and if so, what did you say even though (unbeknownst to the panel) they youngest Trachtenberg was in the room?
A: "Finally, a whore!"
Q: Where can I learn more about the show and the other, far more interesting panelists?
A: Here.
Q: I'm your friend. Can I still call it "Whose Line is it Anyway?" every single time I mention it?
A: Why stop now!
Anyway, come out. It's not even cold. Tonight at 8. Parkside Lounge.
Posted by Lindsay Robertson at 03:14 PM in comedy events | Permalink | Comments (1)
You know that "monthly" reading series I've been doing since 2004 that's billed as "The reading series for the ADD generation", Ritalin Readings? You know, the one that I keep losing interest in, forgetting about, and then resurrecting each Spring? (Like, how totally appropriate is that?)
Well, it's back, with a (slightly) better website!
And a new co-host: hilarious person and original Gawker pinup boy Gabriel Delahaye.
Save the date: Tuesday, March 27, 7pm, Mo Pitkins.
(BTW, that logo I made sucks (obviously). If anyone wants to make a better one, please email me!)
Posted by Lindsay Robertson at 04:17 PM in comedy events , ritalin readings | Permalink | Comments (1)
The websites aren't updated yet, but here's the lineup for next week's Cringe/WYSIWYG reading in which I'm beyond excited to be participating:
• Sarah Brown (Cringe creator)
• ME
• Marc Balgavy
• Joshua Newman
• Jason Boog
• Chris Hampton (WYSIWYG creator)
I think I'm more excited about this reading than any one I've ever done (even my own reading series) because:
1. I have saved everything. Everything.
2. I regularly go through my old diaries and poetry notebooks and wish I could share my hilarious adolescent pretentiousness with the world. (I actually have dabbled in that, and have read some stuff at Ritalin Readings over the years, but I'm taking this one reallly seriously.)
3. Seriously? Nobody on this earth was a more pretentious, "tortured", and unfortunately prolific teenage diarist and bad-poetry writer than yours truly. Please note that this is the only aspect of myself in which I have this kind of confidence. I'm not bragging here, because it's nothing to brag about, but I. Win. For an entire year, I wrote my diary as a series of daily letters to the writer Annie Dillard, mmmkay? On the outside of the diary I wrote "THE ANNIE LETTERS: 1993 - 1994, By Lindsay Celeste Robertson"
And Celeste isn't even my middle name.
Please come out to this reading, most especially if you're my friend. I'll need some moral support. Clearly. (Also, I never ask!)
Info: The WYSIWYG Talent Show's "CringeyWYG" performs Wednesday, October 18 at Bowery Poetry Club (308 Bowery between Bleecker and Houston). Doors open at 7:30 p.m., show at 8 p.m. Tickets are $7 at the door. For more information visit wysiwygtalentshow.org, queserasera.org/cringe.html, or www.bowerypoetry.com
Posted by Lindsay Robertson at 12:11 PM in comedy events , self-ridicule | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tomorrow night I'm going to be a panelist in a live version of the classic game show "What's My Line?" (That's the one where panelists ask questions to find out what contestants do for a living, and then are blindfolded and have to figure out who a celebrity guest is.) We had a run-through last week and it was really fun! Info: What's My Line? Live! (Check out the other panelists and host there.) Wednesday, August 2nd Parkside Lounge, 317 East Houston, corner of Attorney 8 pm $5
Posted by Lindsay Robertson at 05:37 PM in comedy events | Permalink | Comments (0)
Good news lifted directly from Eugene Mirman's newsletter:
1) Eugene will be appearing this fall in an episode of Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
2) Eugene has been cast in the Flight Of The Concords HBO pilot.
3) Eugene is working on several web shorts for a new comedy broadband channel being launched by Turner Broadcasting in the fall.
4) Eugene has signed with Harper Collins to write a humor book to be tentatively released in the fall of 2007.
Also, Eugene's tour with Michael Showalter and Leo Allen kicks off tomorrow at Maxwell's.
If you haven't seen him, he's hilarious.
Posted by Lindsay Robertson at 07:15 PM in comedians, comedy , comedy events , eugene mirman | Permalink | Comments (0)
* The Billyburg Short Film Festival (hosted by Michael Showalter) was cancelled because of the rain on Saturday. So now it will be this Friday, and everything else is the same. Click the flyer for more info.
* My awesome coworkers Karen Lurie and Nick Poppy's very short pilot, American Cookbook, has been picked up ("Greenlighted", if you will. "Given the go ahead", as it were) by the watchers of Channel 102. Watch it here.
* Mark my words: Someone is about to get an email from D.C.
Posted by Lindsay Robertson at 07:36 PM in comedians, comedy events , funny video, wine | Permalink | Comments (0)
I think I'm going to that tomorrow. I used to date a guy in my Williamsburg days who took me to the Mccarren Park Pool on the back of his bike on our second date, when I didn't even know it was there and the only way to get in was through a hole in a barbed-wire fence. The only word for it was "magical." (I'm not expecting magic tomorrow night, just good friends and Michael Showalter.)
(Word on the street is the beer license fell through, so bring your smugglin' purse.)
Posted by Lindsay Robertson at 02:55 PM in comedy events , me = cheap, nostalgia , so punk rock , wine | Permalink | Comments (0)
...And I have a new screensaver. (Thanks to co-worker Nicole.)
* Variety reports that my former nice neighbor Corey Feldman will star in "Coreys", a Curb Your Enthusiasm-style show with Corey Haim. How much does that rule? HOW MUCH?
* Via Golden Fiddle-on-Jane, who needs to send me some of the meth-like-substance that is allowing him to blog like it's his job that he just got and doesn't hate yet: long awkward pose. I will be doing this to my friends on the ambassador ho-phone forthwith, so beware!
* Via Darci Kittenpants, who is awesomeing-up the Comedy Central blog on a daily basis: the Corner'ingation of Baby. (This is a drop-everything link as is the long awkard pose one.)
* Rolling Stone has entered the blog game with Rock Daily and my friend Lizzy (Spin-when-it-was- good, NME) is one of the writers, yay.
* A few weeks ago I made a comment on Radosh quoting someone who compared the new Adam Sandler movie, Click, to Nicholson Baker's The Fermata.
Today I learned that CNN mentioned that idea and linked to the comment. I was shocked that they actually gave attribution of an idea to a blog comment, but saddened by the fact that I hadn't attributed it myself. The person who originally made the Fermata joke, in email, was Jeff, of the blog Heart On a Stick. He really didn't want me to post this, but justice must be broughten!
Also, CNN is linking to blog comments now. (Also, if you can decipher the above paragraph, I salute you.)
* Last night I fell in love with a painting at Niagara. I scribbled the artist's name down on a magazine page and googled him today - I can't find the painting online but it's called "Flashlight" and it's by Ted Riederer. My friend Jen obliged me by snapping a picture of it last night. I liked this painting so much that for a few brief, Yellow Tail-soaked minutes I thought I might have 400 bucks just lying around waiting to be spent, but then I came to my senses. "If I were married, it would only be 200!" I joked, realizing I'd just found the most compelling reason for me to get married that had ever occured to me before. What I'm trying to say is it's a really fucking awesome painting. The picture doesn't do it justice. Go see it. And buy it. And let me come over and look at it.
Here's a profile Current TV did of Ted Reiderer in January.
Posted by Lindsay Robertson at 04:31 PM in bloggers/blogging, brilliant!, comedians, comedy , comedy events , funny video, old school bloggers, patton oswalt | Permalink | Comments (0)
I've had this rule for myself for the past few years called "David's Law." David's Law was signed into law in 2003, just after an unfortunate "I was that drunk girl" incident at the Tinkle Booze Cruise. David's Law makes it illegal for me, Lindsay Robertson, to speak to David Cross or any other public figure whom I admire (usually comedians, because I generally only admire funny people) unless introduced by someone else, directly spoken to, or if I already know them, or if it's for work.
Since David's Law was passed in 2003, it has helped many talented comedians unknowingly dodge the bullet that is meeting me, including but not limited to Sarah Silverman, Patton Oswalt, Demetri Martin, Zack Galifianakis, Paul Rudd, Amy Poehler, Janeane Garofalo, Thomas Lennon, and David Cross like three more times (though I was introduced to him without time to run away in February by a mutual friend, so that doesn't count, and all I said was "I've been a fan for a long time" and then escaped as fast as I could.)
Anyway, imagine my delight when I opened my copy of New York Magazine (it was $5/year for the subscription, okay?) last night and found a sidebar by David Cross himself entitled "Where Do I Know You From? How not to alienate That Guy From TV."
It really made me feel like the last three years of not annoying my heros has all been worth it. Also, it's really funny. David's first rule:
"If you don't know who he is, ask your friend. Or a stranger. Don't ask him. And certainly don't ask him to keep listing his resume until you realize he's the guy from Blade of Innocence 2 who lost his shoe and got killed by the vampire with outer-space AIDS."
Anyway, I've never really spoken publically (ha) about the incident that sparked David's Law, but I will say with a very red face that it may have included the sentence:
"I was definitely the only cute girl who was obsessed with Mr. Show in 1996."
Which, besides being horrifying in other ways, is sort of an insult. So, um, that's how a personal bill becomes a personal law.
Posted by Lindsay Robertson at 01:28 PM in comedians, comedy , comedy events , david cross , david's law, mr. show with bob and david , my awkward anecdotes , patton oswalt , wine | Permalink | Comments (1)
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