I would like to offer my services as a celebrity honesty consultant. I will be paid by celebrities to be 100% brutally honest with them about their image, their work, and, especially, their proposed plastic surgery choices. I'll be the one and only person on their payroll to do this, and the only way I can fail at my job is by protecting them from the truth. I will offer opinions only when asked, or, if the celebrity chooses, whenever they occur to me. THIS IS REAL. I can be reached at the email address to the right. All inquiries guaranteed confidential.
This needs to be a real job. Most of these people are surrounded by social-climbers and sycophants.
Posted by: becca | September 26, 2009 at 11:06 PM
my husband have often talked about this type of job.
he works in post-production in film and he feels like a lot of movies end up sucking because there is no one to tell the director when they're making stupid ideas. the studios don't want to piss the directors off, especially if they're big deal directors (think george lucas), so their every ideas is mindlessly okayed.
if there was one person whose job it was to be honest - not needlessly abusive, just honest - maybe the new star wars movies wouldn't have been so terrible.
or someone to tell gerard butler that he needs to seriously rethink the direction he's taking his career in. or someone to tell jennifer aniston she really ought to stop making the same movie over and over again because it's mostly bumming people out. just examples...
Posted by: caringiscool | October 09, 2009 at 02:48 AM