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August 17, 2009



Wait, it's not coming back until NOVEMBER??

Lindsay Robertson

No, but something newsworthy happened on that day in 1963.


Oooh, that wife is a jellyfisher! Wasn't she also actually a jellyfisher in Bridget Jones's Diary? Typecasting!


They've started back up six months after the end of season 2, which was the Cuban Missile Crisis in October of 62, so that means they're in April "right now," and have a whole summer and most of fall to get through before JFK, but it WILL HAPPEN this season, Matt Weiner has said so, if I remember right.
Personally though, I can't wait for '64, with LBJ's "Daisy" campaign ad. And, you know, Civil Rights and everything. Good times!


Man, I'm constantly arguing with people who say Mad Men is boring (The Wire is boring, Mad Men is sexy and awesome) but this promo just made me look like an asshole.


Also, so much for their vaunted meticulous research: "the Bordeaux grape," ha ha. (Unless he's supposed to be a moron.)

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