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August 25, 2009



This is both disgusting and hilarious.


Where does a penis hang on a shark? I have seen many pictures of sharks but never a shark penis. Does it just emerge at key moments? Did it emerge at what it THOUGHT was a key moment with this other shark? Planet earth!

Lindsay Robertson

I think it emerges at key moments. As Natalie Portman would say "Here comes the lipstick." But we should remember that behind every Penis Shark is a very unhappy other shark or animal.

Uncle Grambo

The real question is this: Is Penis Shark a female or a male? Like Robert Shaw famously said in his epic Jaws monologue, "You gotta keep an eye out for gay sharks!"

An American Patriot

THIS IS your sequel TO SHARK Eats Horse. GOOD FOLLOWUP Lindsay. I give IT 5 stars out of 4!

Josh Rosen

So now we know what to use for bait if we want to catch a shark...


I'm not going to lie. I watched this while in the bathroom and it resulted in the HARDEST I HAVE EVER PEED.


Penis Shark is just like David Letterman (he wants to rape your children with his mouth).

Larz Blackman

Thank God I'm not a sea creature.

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