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July 03, 2009



Are those clouds strange? I guess so. I agree that it is nice to know that other people have things covered on the recording end of things. My favorite line was someone in the background saying they looked like gnocchi. Yum.


I love how so many people stopped to observe natural beauty. Oh, and how some guy yelled something about Farrah and MJ...no beautiful moment would be complete without that guy.


Haha, Manhattan is craaazy.


if i saw those things, i'd use the end of the world as an excuse to fuuuck.


That video is so dream-like... it's kind of beautiful.


The girl wasn't opining on the clouds. She was repeating what the crazy guy was shouting as he walked down the street - something about Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett and Ed McMahon all dying "on the same day" - ie: a trilogy of death. I think that girl only wishes she was a manic pixie dream girl. She probably owns cats and reads Popular Science.

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