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July 13, 2009



This guy sounds like a cartoon professor.


Poor furries. Why are they so ashamed? They should own their weirdness, wear it proudly!

becca be commentin'

so these guys are basically scientologists...


Furries don't try to convert anyone. They just want to be left alone, it seems.


I am positively fascinated by Furries. Not so much that I want to become one. Just enough fascination to casually read blog posts and comment on them without embarrassment. Well, I'm still embarrassed for them but I'm not embarrassed to be embarrassed?

Your Pal.

This was not an 'insider panel', and the bias that comes across in your post is exactly why this panel has to exist. Come back to reality friend, join the rest of us, the water is just fine.

North American Society For The Prevention Of Gullibility

Pretty much this is about avoiding sensationalist media and yellow journalism.

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