If You Want People To Read Your Tumblr (Or Any Blog, Really)
Go to your dashboard, click on "customize," click on "advanced," and uncheck this box:
To not do so is the 2008 equivalent of having a splash page.
(Oh, snap!)
Note: there's some confusion. I mean UNcheck the box so those who read the internet in RSS don't forever associate you with disappointment.
except, of course, if your reader works in a place where web surfing is on lockdown and she (or he) depends solely on her (or his) feeds to supply her (or him) with the last remaining connection to the outside world she (or he) has to cling to.
then, really, you're just being a part of the problem.
except, of course, if your reader works in a place where web surfing is on lockdown and she (or he) depends solely on her (or his) feeds to supply her (or him) with the last remaining connection to the outside world she (or he) has to cling to.
then, really, you're just being a part of the problem.
Posted by: gijyun | September 02, 2008 at 10:29 AM