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August 27, 2008



I like how the Sioux City Journal article takes the care to refer the general manager as a "bachelor."


I live in Iowa - my roommate is from Sioux City - and this post made my life today. No lie.
Because she is from the METROPOLIS OF SIOUX CITY.

Oh, this is awesome.

Josh Rosen

I have a great aunt who lives in a small town in Georgia, and you should have SEEN how excited they were when a Waffle House finally opened up there.


So I talked to my roommate from Sioux City and
a. this happened a long time ago.
b. that olive garden is closed? or something?
c. she feels rather insulted.

I just think that the article was an *amazing* piece of "journalism," and as a native of a much, much smaller Iowa town that flipped out when we got a Taco Johns, appreciate the sentiment of your post.

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