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July 16, 2008



I always wondered what the Sex Gesture was called.
Now I know it's called "The Sex Gesture".


I actually started to google it, and then I realized that I was googling that.

Josh Rosen

I thought that sex was part of lunch?


The words say "Just Lunch", but the eyes say "Unsolicited, Awkward Groping Imminent".


So I was randomly scrolling down the page of your blog when the picture in this post caught my eye... because of what I call the "pig in a poke" (you can thank chevy chase for that gem)... This moment of mirth stopped me in my tracks so I read the actual content of the post and it was with great pleasure that I found I'm in good company! You say 'sex gesture' I say 'pig in a poke'... meh!

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