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April 25, 2008


Jesse Thorn

As a PRI affiliated program, I feel obliged to mention that The Takeaway is a PRI show, not an NPR show.

Or maybe I should just let this one lie...


FAQ: What the fuck does the Takeaway mean?


For what its worth, the Takeaway isn't an "NPR" show at all, it is WNYC and Public Radio International - they're going against NPR with this project. I say we all stand together with Soterios. Hockenberry is a bit of a smart-ass.


I cracked. I listened. And I missed Soterios. Also, the hosts talk over one another. Because it's live, people! There's potential, but I fear the "Morning Zoo for Smart People" this could easily become.

Skipp Porteous

The Takeaway really sucks. It's too "busy" for that hour in the morning, it's unfocused, confusing, and just plain stupid.
I think it will fail, and I hope it does. Takeaway The Takeaway, please.

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