That's my sad pathetic I'm-still-on-the-internet-at-11pm attempt at a Styles headline, but seriously, aren't we like four and a half days overdue for a "former Gawker editors now blog sometimes about Gawker and each other, among other things" article? I mean here's your lede right here: they're talking about "getting the gang back together!" And now the talented and wise-beyond-her-years Maggie Shnayerson has entered the arena.
it sort of reminds me of those charts that map the break-up of a giant telecom into smaller telecoms, which then gradually merge back into each other to ultimately become the original giant telecom.
Only, in this case, some of the telecoms hate puppies..?
Posted by: Patrick M | March 07, 2008 at 03:54 PM
Well this telecom was just an intern in 2003. But I hear some of the former editors hate puppies, too.
Posted by: lindsay | March 07, 2008 at 05:18 PM