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January 30, 2008



I need to learn how to communicate like you cause yeah, I felt the same way.

chris ives

"Do you like hot tea?"
"Me too."
"My elbow itches."

AND SCENE- Brilliant!


"Once" suffers and succeeds from the same thing: the average movie-going public(that's going to see an Irish indie film) was expecting absolutely NOTHING from it, and when they got nice music, people being charming and nice to each other, and an uplifting story, they were BLOWN THE FUCK AWAY.


the guy was such a loser. i kept waiting for someone to dump a bucket of water on his head.


I saw this movie on a plane. Halfway through, the movie system stopped working. I thought "Oh well. That movie was not memorable. The music was not memorable". Cut to 2 days later, and I had that damn "we've still got tiiiime" song in my head and I began whining to anyone who would listen about not having seen the end of it.

I finally saw the end of it, on a plane. My recommendation is to abruptly stop watching that movie midway and to live with the comfort of what might have been.


Wow, I *just* halfway watched this last night until I was like, it's 10:00 and this is just not at all worth staying awake for any longer. So meh.

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