This part of this long, good A/V Club interview with Michael Showalter made me laugh out loud on the subway this morning:
MS:...Do I like The Shins? Yeah. Do I like Bright Eyes? No, I don't. At all.
AVC: Why not?
MS: He takes himself too seriously. Do I like PJ Harvey? Yeah, I love PJ Harvey. Do I like Clap Your Hands Say Yeah? No, I don't. Do I like Cat Power? I love Cat Power.
AVC: In your act, you say all of your Cat Power tracks are actually Sheryl Crow songs.
MS: That's fiction. That's the lie. I also said that I have Journey stored under Sufjan Stevens, which is also a lie. Do I like John Mayer? I love John Mayer. Love John Mayer. John Mayer is someone whose entire body of work I like.
AVC: He's also an aspiring comedian. Would you ever want to tour with him?
MS: Absolutely. 100 percent. His phone number is on my phone, and he's waiting for me to call him to do something together. Why haven't I called him? I'm too intimidated. I'm star-struck. He's like a huge, giant rock star, and I've listened his albums thousands of times. Why wouldn't I be intimidated by him? It's very random who I would meet that would intimidate me, but he's definitely one of them. If I met Sean Penn, would I be intimidated?
AVC: Yes?
MS: No, I wouldn't be. He's too obvious. If I met Steve Martin, would I be intimidated?
AVC: I'll say "No."
MS: Very. I would be very intimidated.
Showalter's also funny to me because I can never quite tell when he's being serious.
Posted by: Sean | January 30, 2008 at 01:08 PM