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December 12, 2007


sylvia plath

I don't know, "Felicity" rocked the side ways front half french braid in the year 2001-ish season. I'd go with banana clip, although a 50 year old lady I work with still wears them.




You are a genius for posing this question.

Although Obsession is by all means #1, let me contribute my nominations (because I've thought about this A LOT):

Powdered wigs
Curled up socks

This one toes the line: ZUBAZ?



Butterfly hair clips
Really baggy 'raver' jeans


I don't know. French braids were very big during my midwest highschool years (92-96). I have a feeling any woman that sported one now would be unexpectedly popular with late-twenties, early-thirties guys.

For reasons those guys might not even understand.

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