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November 27, 2007


Worker #3116

I just imagine someone for whom writing is literally all they can do. Like, they have to lie in bed all day writing and people have to feed them and wash them and they can't even move. By my reasoning, Stephen King right after he got hit by that truck is the only true writer.

John Green

I was going to say that, by Gabe's reasoning, William T. Vollmann is also a true writer. But then I remembered that sometimes Vollmann takes breaks to make it with hookers.

p.s. I'm bringing "make it" back.


There must be some limited number of names for church youth groups and camps. There was a Vineyard in my hometown. I had to go to Inheritance.

Also, it may be splitting hairs, but I thought Lorrie Moore said something more like "if you can think of anything else you might rather do, do that." I always thought of that as "never have a backup plan."


We used to tell the kids at the theater school 1) if they could think of anything else they'd LIKE to do, then go do that and 2) if they had a fall-back plan, they'd use it. In other words, deciding to pursue a creative career will bring you nothing but shit and pain until you're successful, and the chances of success are miniscule, and really, wouldn't you rather be a veterinarian or something? So I think it's all in the way you parse it. I don't write because there's nothing else I could do. I write because if I was doing any one of those million other things I could do, I'd end up slitting my own wrists with a rusty busboy tray. Lucky for me, I get to make a living at this. Emphasis on lucky, I think.

Also, I sucked at theater just a little bit.


I can totally see it that way and I don't really disagree with the concept (at least where it applies to people who are expecting a high level of financial success or fame for their trouble) but I just think there's no way to say it about *onesself* without sounding like an asshole.

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