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November 14, 2007



Ridiculous. Can you do the same thing for death? Like Flatliners, you wake up a whole new you?


three times?

how often do you get a cold?



Max Silvestri

I am incredibly sick and it's partly your fault. Seriously, worse than I've felt in years.


that sounds like the secret I should have heard last week. next time, cold, I'm sleeping you to death!


im sick. i think ill try that.
nighty night!

i had to go to the emergency room

this method you told me made me go into surgery i had to remove part of my skull cuz my brain was bulging. i now suffer from chronic eppalepsy .

i will be contacting your home phone iv already set up a court date.

talk to you soon


So what do you do if you cant take a day off from work, where I work they really frown on it and it counts against you as an un excused absence, so what do you do go to work and make everyone else sick.

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