Releasing on Netflix tomorrow: Christoga: Christian Yoga
"Actress Janine Turner joins forces with fitness expert Mary Cunningham to create a routine that combines hatha yoga and Christian meditation for a workout that exercises both body and soul. Using biblical Scripture, Turner and Cunningham give Christian names to traditional yoga poses. As you perform Christ Exalted, Mighty Disciple and Salvation Rotation, you'll feel your spirit stretching along with your muscles."
There are too many obvious things to make fun of here (Janine Turner, has it really come to this?) but my main problem is with the name. In making a punny name, you can't just take two words that share nothing in common like "Christian" and "Yoga" and throw them together. Even "Yoga-weh" or "Chi-sus" would be better than "Christoga". Also, the idea of marketing yoga to Christian women who are scared of learning new, non-American words is funny and true.
Downward facing dogma!
Posted by: JacobRhoades | August 20, 2007 at 12:45 PM
It sounds like some sort of crispy and delicious sandwich. I'd love a christoga, no mayo.
Posted by: Jefferson | August 20, 2007 at 12:55 PM
TOTALLY off topic, but noone else on the interwebs seem to be able to help i came to you!
On Flight Of The Conchords last night, Dave let Brett borrow a t-shirt of a cartoon mouse (rat?) having sex with a dead mouse (rat?) caught in a mousetrap. WHERE HAVE I SEEN THIS SHIRT BEFORE!?!?!?
Posted by: OnlyRumors | August 20, 2007 at 04:01 PM
Um, yoga is based in Hindu religion, folks. Why do Christians have to "Christianize" everything?
Posted by: Amy Nonymous | August 20, 2007 at 05:31 PM
My mom is a born-again Christian and they started offering something similar at her church and she got really upset because yoga originated from Hindu. In otherwords, Christian Yoga is STILL yoga and therefore evil.
And THATS how much she loves Jesus.
Posted by: Rebecca | August 21, 2007 at 01:03 PM
Let's not knock Janie Turner, she was in the Pebody award winning TV movie Walker Texas Ranger Trial by Fire.
...and The Love Boat.
Posted by: Jerell | August 29, 2007 at 05:56 PM