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August 22, 2007


DB Ferguson

My peeve is the overuse of the Edward Scissorhands music. I love that music - it's one of the few movie scores I have on CD. But ... every time there's wonder, imagination, a tale too astounding to dream about, and some little girl with a flower or something, they play that music. Come on, people! Danny Elfman has more than one song, explore his library already!


Did the first quote in that book story really need an "After 9/11" qualifier? Can there possibly be another economic issue that is less related to that day than hardcover book sales?


You know what bugs me about me? Take a song I hate, play it under a montage and I'm like, "Ohhh .... that's a really good song." I am such a sucker.

David Oliver

I'm a late arrival to the manor as well and love the meerkats. Isn't it just a soap with cute actors where you can't shrug off needs or tragic events as the product of a writer's imagination?


Ha ha...I too, love Meerkat Manor. And, it's funny...through the show and another bloggers post...I learned what "anthropomorphism" meant. Now that I've come across yours; I could read and understand it and not have to play it off!!

Hooray, for Flower!!!

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