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July 02, 2007



You know I meant that in a good way right? It's the kewpie-ness (and also, she was at a costume party.) I can't ever tell when someone says "Thanks" online if they mean it or if it's sarcastic, like "Thanks, thanks a lot."


omg, that was fun. i'm booking plans for nyc this week... thinking july 26-28 now...


Nice job on the Esquire bit.


I totally thought you were talking about "Starter Wife" which I did watch for the whole season.

Me (stoned): I hate when they do this. (referring to Molly's "flashbacks" i.e., cliched vintage cinematic moments) It's awful.

Sister (stoned): You say that as if any of this show was good.

It was a wretched, wretched show! Most good television produces "funny" stoner observations between my sister and me. This show even made being stoned lame!

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