* Just so there's no confusion, I'm not guest-blogging on a Law blog. This is one of those Postal Service v US Postal Service situations where confusion is not possible. (I would like to see some Highdeas over there though. Also, I hope I'm The Postal Service in that analogy.)
* Jonathan Coulton in the New York Times wooooo!!
* The lineup for the May 24th Ritalin Reading (next Thursday!) is set. It's very comedian-heavy this month, which was accidental, but awesome:
Alex Blagg (VH1 Best Week Ever)
Jon Friedman (The Rejection Show)
Greg Johnson (Comedian)
Adam Lowitt (The Daily Show)
Kristen Schaal (Comedian)
Mandy Stadtmiller (Comedian)
* This Wednesday, May 16, at 8: I'm a panelist on What's My Line? Live at Parkside Lounge. I'm told the surprise celebrity guest will be awesome (but that's true every month.)