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May 18, 2007


bill p

Alexander Payne found him. He was attending the school where Election was found -- so says Payne in the director's commentary.

Worker #3116

WHOOPS, you forgot the "super boring" tag on this post.

Sarah Brown

He went to college with my roommate. She saw him last week in LA!


He's also co-starring in the election-like "Rocket Science" directed by the guys who made spellbound. he looks very tall and cute.

Tony Blass

I interviewed Nick last week on my radio show, “Alchemist’s Playground,” which broadcasts live on Saturday nights at 9 PM on KCLA-FM 99.3 in Los Angeles or live streaming at www.kclafm.com.

Nick is a really cool guy and will be a great addition to the show. He’s funny and very down to earth. Who cares if he doesn’t have cable or a cool TV? Check out the YouTube clips:

Part 1 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOmZXB8hpGI

Part 2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wpc5l94CQ0

Tony Blass: “King of all Interviewers”


Nick was at my brother's wedding this last weekend in Vegas. He is dating my sister-in-law's sister.


I'm sad I missed that wedding! Apparently Nick and Sarah make a cute couple..

Another fan of Nick's

Nick is from Omaha, Nebraska. He is from a family of wonderful D'Agostos, a very smart, sharp, loving Italian family. They all have a keen sense of humor, and are a lot of fun to be around. He has two older brothers and two younger really zany sisters. Keep your eyes on him. He's going places! Everyone likes him. He's down to earth and totally cool!


I am a huge fan of Nick. I was a background actor in "Rocket Science." You cannot see me, but it was an awesome movie which is where I first learned about Nick. He is a wonderful actor. I have also seen him on "The Office" and "Heroes." I am an instant fan. He seems like a really cool person. I love his smile. He is really handsome and a wonderful, talented actor.


everyone likes him including me.
nick rocks.
hes that perfect kind of chill actor.

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