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May 30, 2007



But you don't get the "Pix! Pix!" reference if you didn't grow up in New York.

matt tobey

That rumhead spent 20 years in jail for poisonin' a kid. If you know him, you must be a jailbird yourself!

def. thought you were dead. glad you're not; LOVED rollerblading.


your blog has been so quiet. glad you're not dead! that should be a hallmark card.

omg i had to look that up and i felt so sad doing. i hope martha doesn't loose respect.


"What's the best meal you've eaten in New York?
It's a tie, I think, between anything at Peter Luger and the insanely delish bacon death at Gramercy Tavern."

Wait a second. I'm completely confused. What happened to Martha Plimpton being a militant vegan?

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