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April 30, 2007



wow. incredible.

once the blockberry goes into production (which, by the way, how could it not?) I'd be interested in a "jenny from the blockberry" that does the same thing, but blasts J-Lo tracks out of the offenders mobile device before finally exploding in their pocket. what do you think? let's set up some meetings.


I add the blockberry to my "Punch Your In The Mouth Assinine Comment Wallet...." more to follow in Fall '08.


Crap, I thought I made up Highdeas years ago...used to log them in The Notebook, which was the handy spot to log all your highdeas and illustrations that would otherwise be forgotten. Back before this "blogging" business.


hahahaha, that lightswitch highdea is genious! :D
Get it into production ASAP! - and tell me when you've youtubed the home shopping network ad for it :)

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