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April 10, 2007


Worker #3116

But...no one is laughing.

Felix LaPubelle

I don't understand what would be funny about a backstage shot from an off broadway revival of "Victor / Victoria"?


THAT's your insult?


Has The Strokes t-shirt been retired? I imagine thrift stores everywhere with racks and racks of them.

Felix LaPubelle

What, too soon?


I thought I knew you.

Uncle Grambo

Quick, someone report this crime of fashion to the NEW YORK CITY COPS! Get it? New York City Cops? As in, the song by The Strokes ... Ha! I kill me!


It helps to think of you as a paraplegic. Lower torsos are for the over-privileged.


such cheekbones!


Just looking at that picture makes me feel so old :(

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