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April 19, 2007



You're not dumb, the French are.


After seeing that movie, my fiancee and I spent the next few days trying to persuade the other that facts were untrue. While this was funny for a while, by day 4 it'd be "Didn't I bring my bag home from the office" "No, you didn't" "No, really, did I?" The moral here is that isolation, alienation and loss of identity only *seem* fun in movies and should not be tried at home.

"Moustache" comes from the Italian, "mustacha", where it was much more commonly applied to women. When seen on men, it was called a "sepporio", or "lip beard".

Richard Dooley

I just saw the movie and came away confused. I have several favorite movies that are French ( Amelie, With A Friend Like Harry, Monsuer Hire) but this one did nothing for me except show what having a mental illness must be like.

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