Last night I saw the Belgian film "Le Moustache." Today I tried to look it up to see what other people thought of it, but it has no IMDB entry, or even a Wikipedia entry.
I'm starting to think that there was never a movie called "Le Moustache."
(That's sort of a "you had to see the movie" joke.)
UPDATE: it's because the name of the movie is "La Moustache". Why would the word "moustache" be feminine?
Anyway, I'm dumb.
You're not dumb, the French are.
Posted by: Felix | April 19, 2007 at 03:54 PM
After seeing that movie, my fiancee and I spent the next few days trying to persuade the other that facts were untrue. While this was funny for a while, by day 4 it'd be "Didn't I bring my bag home from the office" "No, you didn't" "No, really, did I?" The moral here is that isolation, alienation and loss of identity only *seem* fun in movies and should not be tried at home.
Posted by: adam | April 20, 2007 at 03:05 PM
"Moustache" comes from the Italian, "mustacha", where it was much more commonly applied to women. When seen on men, it was called a "sepporio", or "lip beard".
Posted by: | April 26, 2007 at 12:28 AM
I just saw the movie and came away confused. I have several favorite movies that are French ( Amelie, With A Friend Like Harry, Monsuer Hire) but this one did nothing for me except show what having a mental illness must be like.
Posted by: Richard Dooley | May 30, 2008 at 12:06 PM