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March 14, 2007



Funny, yet I couldn't agree more. :)
John Fox of BookFox

Mark Coatney

At least you got your McSweeneys. I sent them $30 bucks for a year and they never sent me any copies, until I mentioned that fact a year later on Romenesko. Then they were all nice and sent me several issues. But it was too late. Jerks.

Matt Cornell

I'm a lifetime subscriber too. My problem is that I have almost never gotten my issues mailed to me. I always have to write to their fulfillment department and complain. For a while, the responses to my complaints were written in that same smirky, insufferably precious tone!

Over the last year they've released four issues, none of which have arrived at my home. (They have long had my address on file.) I Googled to find out if there were others having this problem, and that's how I found out about Eggers' latest announcement. Could it be that the chronic failures of their fulfillment department were a kind of intentional neglect of lifetime subscribers? Dunno. I'm tempted to take Eggers' crappy deal, cause I'm tired of babysitting my subscription!

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