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March 13, 2007



You know her much better than I do, but I just wanted to say that you've hit the cliched nail on the head. She's fearless and amazing and that's pretty great. And everything is not what it is about.


I wrote a profile (that I should have had published by jumping on the Blum Columbia j-school student train) on her last year and she was great. For years in reading her blog I couldn't come to a conclusion about her, but after listening to how she got from A to B I grew to like and respect her. Plus I love anyone who hugs people without remembering who they are.

Alec Schweikert

"Sarah is more open to offers of publicity than others but it's because she's promoting her bands, not herself."

Really? Because people sure as hell aren't talking about her bands, based on this article. If I was a band on her label, I'd ask myself, "Why is the person who runs our label on the cover of the Village Voice, and the most we can get is a sidebar review? Is there something wrong with this picture?"


"Plus I love anyone who hugs people without remembering who they are."



Alec: you do make a good point. When I wrote and posted this I was unaware that this would be the cover story and such a huge deal. One could argue that anything she does publicity-wise helps her bands on some level, though (look at hip hop label-runners). I mean this in the least underminer way possible: anyone missing the fear of being called a self-promoter (or who has the ability to swallow or dismiss that fear) is going to do very well no matter what. It's not going out on a limb to say the self-promotion 'gene' is the biggest single predictor of success in America at this moment in history. And if I were in a band, I would want the founder of my label to have that gene, no question.

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