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February 08, 2007


Sally Tomato

Well played. Try Dramatics next time - they're much more reliable and have better magazines.


Second on dramatics. It's right by you and the woman who cut my hair there was named "Essence" which is clearly a good sign.


I have a list of people i need to meet and would recommend you do the same. It includes, among other things: someone with a car, someone with medical knowledge, and someone who will cut my hair for free.

More than 20 for a haircut annoys me. Also: find someone who doesn't speak English, and it's the best haircut ever. No talking, they get it done fast, and you can just sort of daydream.


This is a great example of why you should ALWAYS place unrolled condoms over your eyes while engaging in risky sexual behaviour.


You forget the lord of all cheap haircuts in NYC--Atlas Barber School. 5 bucks, including tip, at least during the week. I generally stopped with them when they gave me a buzz cut once, though...

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