* Emily Magazine is un-hacked! Thanks, Dean!
* I like: Thingsmyboyfriendsays (via fimoculous) Here's a Thing My Ex Boyfriend Said that still cracks me up:
"I'm going to start a side project band called 'Fudgy the Whale: The Cake: The Band'."
* I'm now not sure if I'm on Team Pam or Team Karen anymore. Pam needs to grow some balls. Either way, Team Pam and Team Karen shirts are still selling like hotcakes over at Zulkey.com. (And check out Zulkey's new Office column for the L.A. Times, linked there.)
* Patton Oswalt's Two Favorite Movies of 2006: Children of Men and United 93.
* SNL wasn't that bad Saturday. For some reason the Digital Short ('Nurse Nancy', in my opinion the funniest one yet) doesn't seem to be up, but TV Funhouse and "Really?!" were hilarious and they're both up here.