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January 11, 2007


Alex Blagg

So you really pooped in a box and sent it to her?

lindsay robertson

1. EWWWW Blagg!
2. I would never want her to actually stop blogging. Unchangeable bottomless pits of narcissism are actually sincerely comforting in this scary, crazy world.


The sad part: I wasn't even 100% sure (pretty sure, but still room for doubt) who you were talking about. I think there may be more than one blogger who fits that general description.


I just read the blogger-in-question's New Year's resolution, which are delightful, but even better are her loyal readers responses.

chris ives

It's too bad that the Goldstein's parody site ran out of gas.


Wow. I didn't think it was possible for someone to love herself that much.


we didn't so much run out of gas as so much as we realized we really never cared.

we do care, however, that the chargers just lost and this makes us very, very sad.


so what's the blog address?

lindsay robertson

It's sort of an inside joke type thing.

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