(Note: if you don't use dodgeball, you're not going to have any idea what this post is about and it's going to be REALLY annoying, so really, I'd just skip it if I were you. Seriously. Don't blame me when you get annoyed by it.)
So, last night I had plans with a good friend but had to cancel because I worked late, was exhausted from the night before, and needed a "Lindsay Night." So I read the New Yorker and watched the second half of It's a Wonderful Life and delighted in its metaphysical flaws (he can hear again, yet he's still drunk, etc) and eschewed even the "Surgeon General" (the one glass of red I drink even on off nights.) I was like a nun or an evangelical or something. Then, this happened:
I got this dodgeball message:
Hey there, your friend Krucoff just shouted out: "From the texting gods, Bucky T just asked: "Wanna chill with sluts tonite?" I cant but he says go to Rewind on Essex." (10:52PM)
So, thinking myself quite the clever jokester, I sent a dodgeball myself:
Lindsay R is @ Rewind (10:53 PM)
Then, immediately, I got two texts:
Regular Text from Friend Who I Cancelled On: "Feeling better?"
Dodgeball: Hey there, your friend John C. just shouted out: "Best ever combo of
dodgeball messages ever. Krucoffs sluts plus Lindsay R." (10:56PM)
So with just one little attempted joke, I managed to make my friend think I ditched her, and, through John C., alert everyone I've blocked on dodgeball to the fact that I'd blocked them. (By the way, people I've blocked/"managed" - I only do it to people who dodgeball too often, and I switch back and forth depending on whether I want to go out in a week. I still like you.)
So I ended up having to dodgeball "That last dball was a joke that nobody got. I am at home. No sluts."
This post is SO inside dodgeball. But you two people out there who get it, learn from me, okay? Dodgeball is NOT the place for jokes. Even funny ones. Like mine.
Remember: Whenever anything goes wrong, it's Krucoff's fault.
Posted by: [email protected] | December 21, 2006 at 03:42 PM
Leaving a trail of breadcrumbs is a more personal form of communication than mass texting. Dodgeball is durst.
Posted by: Uncle Grambo | December 21, 2006 at 05:45 PM