I think we can all agree: last night's episode of How I Met Your Mother was, hands down, the BEST EVER.
I've never watched an entire episode of a tv show on the internet before in my entire life, but as Slap Bet Commissioner, I demand you watch it. (You can watch the whole thing for free here, click the innertube link on the right upper corner.)
(Most of) that special, special video after the jump (spoiler alert! watch the show first.)
Make it sparkle!
Don't forget the robot:
Slap-bet is genius!
Posted by: chris ives | November 22, 2006 at 12:42 PM
God, I'm just happy that someone else likes How I Met Your Mother. I spend most of my time trying to convince people to watch by saying things like "I know it's a CBS comedy, but hear me out!"
Posted by: Leila | November 29, 2006 at 01:17 AM
OMG my first thoughts after seeing that episode were that it would never be erased from my TiVo. And then my Tivo died and I had to get a new one. But at least the video lives on in myspace. And Robin Sparkles is totally one of my friends now.
Posted by: Connith | November 30, 2006 at 08:58 PM