* Is anyone else finding something to chuckle at in every sentence of this article about Ted Haggard's spiritual restoration, or am I just 13?
* I don't know why my dear Claire is giving this fucktard more attention, but at least he comes off badly. Like, really really badly.
* Tomorrow I'm participating in Sarah Brown's Cringe TV pilot taping. So tonight my friend Stephanie is going to accompany me to SuperCuts to try to make my hair decent looking, and not just a pixie haircut grown out for a year. Really. Two nights ago, I took my hair down to ask my friend Amanda what to do with it and she said "You look like Charlize Theron. In 'Monster.'
* Reno 911!: Miami movie trailer, via dead-frog:
* And, finally, who is such a blog geek that they want to see a photo of Gabe from corporate-casual sending me a text message from that Spy party? Here: I can find out how many people click, you know. (Also, cute, no? 20 bucks for his number.)
Everything that's wrong with the publishing industry can be summed up in this conversational snippet:
Claire Zulkey: What's in the works for you for the future?
Pereze Hilton: I'm writing a book.
Claire Zulkey: What's it about?
Perez Hilton: I don't know yet.
Posted by: John Green | November 12, 2006 at 02:22 AM
$20 is a bargain. Has Julia Allison taken you up on it yet?
Posted by: someone who totally isn't Emily | November 12, 2006 at 01:09 PM
(sorry if this space is just for your friends - wasn't sure of that)
>>I don't know why my dear Claire is giving this fucktard more attention, but at least he comes off badly. Like, really really badly.<<
Me agree.
First I tell myself - "well, the guy makes a living - and is getting famous"
Then, thankfully, I tell myself, "So do some pimps in West Hollywood"
Posted by: Abhi | November 16, 2006 at 05:09 AM
OH NO! I AM a blog geek. Although there ARE worse things I could be, I guess. A Team Paris and/or Team Nicole member, for instance. I imagine that would be SO much worse.
Posted by: Little Miss Westchester | November 20, 2006 at 05:09 PM