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October 26, 2006


Uncle Grambo


Worker #3116

Can there be a blogatorium on the word "douchebag"?

That beaten, dead horse won't hunt more mixed metaphor to express being sick of the word "douchebag".

lindsay robertson

My response to you, dear Worker, is an ESP message I'm sending directly to the minds of everyone reading this comment right now.


i nominate "poopslice" to replace douchebag.

Alex Blagg

There can't be a blogatorium on a single word - only joke subjects, referential phrases and paris hilton.


I didn't get the ESP message, and I direly need it. Poopslice is too vague, but there does need to be a new word. The saddest thing about this debacle, to me, is the BWE commenter who didn't get the SXSW joke. HIS BLOGGING FINGER, you fucktarded asshat!


I've been using "dickbag" a lot lately, which is different enough to satisfy the blogatorium, but phonetically similar enough to not shock people who have grown comfortable with "douchebag."

So, dickbag's out there. Y'know, for the peoples. And the children.

chris ives

fucktarded asshat is great...

I already call people asshat, but fucktard? fucktard is the new douchebag!

Bob mk5

Allow me, if you will, to propose shit-nozzle as the new douchebag

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