This weekend's Times article about people finding out they were dumped from their ex's myspace/friendster/facebook profile or whatever is almost too self-parodying to even begin to make fun of, but I'm going to try.
For one, who did not, in the spring of 2003 when Friendster first came out, at some point think to themselves "Someone should do a story about how people in relationships use their Friendster profile to signify to their ex that they've moved on. Maybe I should do it because I really need money right now. Naw, it's too laaame. Give it three whole years and it'll be in Sunday Styles. Hahaha! Get it, me? Because the Times is so behind? Especially, particularly, the Styles section? I'm so funny."
Also, look at all the other parts of the profile. Where's the story on people who found out from a social networking site their friend was a fat Libra with only some college who makes less than 15k per year? Where are they?THEIR STORIES MUST BE TOLD.
Also, just this quote, no comment necessary:
“Seeing that was like a kick in the stomach,” said Micaela Coady, 30, a health researcher from Brooklyn who was so affected by an ex’s status shift that she abandoned her Friendster account (she now blogs instead)."
That is all.
I appreciate the follow up article where Karen changes the setting for Body Type from "Slim/Slender" to "A Few Extra Pounds" as a way to tell her boyfriend Brad that she's pregnant. Brad, subsequently changed his status from "In A Relationship" back to "Single".
Posted by: chris | September 05, 2006 at 03:44 PM
"I was, like, crying, and readjusting my MySpace profile."
Posted by: Worker #3116 | September 05, 2006 at 04:36 PM