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September 08, 2006


Mark Coatney

Love the meatloaf. And it cracks me up that the menu notes that the egg cream "doesn't have eggs."


Sounds like a place we would love to eat.

No, no....this place is authentically awful. Everything tastes like bad-fried bad. Sorry, irony shouldn't be directed toward your stomach, leave that little guy alone.

it's INAUTHENTIC, jerk-off


the food isn't half bad...if it ever comes. every time that i've been here for brunch, the service is the ultimate downfall of this place. you're better off going to olympic diner on delancey and essex. now that place has authenticity, and reasonable prices.


Ah, 5:35 pm, you came here from Gawker didn't you? I know it's 'inauthentic', but I'm going to leave it wrong just to piss you off.

ive been reading you (mostly) happlily for a long time, and only today did i read - in your 'about' section - that you used to picket abortion clincs. frankly, it makes me ill ... once a floridian, always a floridian i guess ...


do you respond to every commentor? or only the angry ones?


I had to laugh at the Lindsay = hipster comment. I've seen you in business attire!


I love the LoSide diner! Seriously the only place that I can guarantee I won't have to wait and I'll leave full for less than 10 bucks. Plus I've eaten a few things there that I think are pretty decent. It's not Babbo, but who needs it to be? And that art is hilarious.


we ate here tonight and it was horrible. my friend's salad greens all looked like vitiligo and the avocado on the veggie burger was rock solid. we complained the whole time and swore we were one candid camera. bleuch. ptaw. ugh.

LoSide sucks. The food sucks, the service sucks and the art sucks too. And it smells.

go somewhere else


LoSide is simple, has great grilled cheese and soup, is inexpensive, and there is seldom a wait. Ignore the haters. It's not a bad joint.

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