NAME: Stephanie Brooke Tillman
KNOWN ALIASES: "Stiff", "Tillface"
D.O.B.: August 14, 1977
HEIGHT: 5'7"
WEIGHT: Really f**king thin
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Tattoo of 3 blue stars in "bullseye" area
LAST SEEN: Late April 2006, drinking strawberry margaritas with friends at San Loco on Stanton Street the night before going to Europe for "one month."
NAME: London, England
KNOWN ALIASES: "The Square Mile", "LDN", "Jolly Old England's Capital"
D.O.B.: 1066 or something
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: A clock, a queen, a bridge, Topshop, bad food, a shit-ton of terrorists, hooligans, Lily Allen
REWARD: One Drink for anyone who convinces Stephanie to come home.