* Wear your extremely specific set of sexual preferences on a tshirt. Or, you know, don't. Please.
* I saw this on Medical Mysteries on Primetime last night (shut up, I was sick) and it totally fascinated me: blind people who ride bikes, play basketball, and get around by their own adaptive echolocation. Like dolphins or bats. How cool is that???
* THE JOKE, IT WRITES ITSELF: Tampons are now contraband on planes. (You can no longer bring them unless they're in a clear plastic bag that you present to security screeners.) Oh no! Wherever shall we hide them?
* New word: Gy.no.ped: "one who pussyfoots around".
Reminds me of "double amputee", which is what I namecall people in arguments when they 'don't have a leg to stand on' (but I stole that from my ex boyfriend who probably stole it from a comic book or something.) (Also, when I say "arguments" I mean "Mr. Show or Kids In the Hall?*" type arguments.)
*Mr Show, of course.