Meet this guy, above. He's a patient at the first video game addiction treatment center in The Netherlands. Last night on Countdown with Keith Olbermann, he described urinating in a bottle so that he wouldn't have to get up from his video game for even a minute. All he does all day is smoke pot, play video games, pee in bottles and, presumably, stuff his face with enabler-delivered junk food. In my years of experience, all this makes him a typical video game user.
Yet, as Chuck Klosterman famously pointed out, there is no highbrow, thoughful, literary video game criticism available for this guy or his thousands of shiftless counterparts to read during their monthly, 2 hour long bathroom trips.
Yes, it's a $28 billion dollar industry. A $28 billion dollar industry based on never, ever reading.
"And since we've already agreed that video games are the new rock music..." - Klosterman
No, we have not agreed to this. For one thing, music can be an extremely important part of your life without you being a loser.