(Like that graphic? I designed it myself a long time ago. Clearly.)
It's been a lonnng time since I've asked for or put up Highdeas.
What are Highdeas? Silly but often brilliant ideas that sound like their inventor must have been smoking pot when s/he came up with them.
How to send yours in:
- Send an email to me with the subject line "Highdeas."
- Be sure to include the name you want me to use and your link, if you have one.
- I hate to be a business hippie, but please use punctuation.
- Keep in mind that the first two Highdeas that any person has seem to be:
- A restaurant where all the food has pot in it.
- A celebrity magazine about regular people. (Which was done very well in mock-up form by Emily and Alice, and is on the best-of page above.)
- The concept that is Dodgeball.
Here are some new ones, and by "new" I mean "received in the last six months". (Most of them I can't credit because the person didn't specifically give permission.)
Eric W.: "What I've always thought would be cool would be a snack like a granola bar, only it would be made from vegetables. Dried carrots, celery, radishes, lettuce that comes in various flavors, like French, Ranch, Thousand Island, Balsamic Vinaigrette, etc. And of course, it would be called the Salad Bar. I can't see how this wouldn't be wildly successful."
F.B.: "When you meet people that you like, you should exchange cards that have your name, your e-mail address, your electronic messaging (aim/yahoo/and if anyone still uses icq i would LOVE to meet them), and the phone number you prefer to receive calls at; and on the back, what you define as "dating." example:
Blanche Deveraux
[email protected]
aim: xxtawdryxslutxx
"3 'dates,' hanging out on a regular basis, regular making out, semi-regular groping, bonin' -- maybe. Zsa zsa zsu optional."
Brett: "Everyone knows that CheezWiz is a great invention, but it still seems like so much effort to break out the crackers and the ham, and then to rip the ham into little cracker-sized pieces. Personally, I'd like to see some Ham-n-CheezWiz on the market. If we can put a man on the moon, we can get ham in a can." (Ed: ewww!)
"Clear Eyes for the Stoned Guy": "4 dudes show up at a guy's house and get stoned with him. They evaluate his pot, taste his selection of munchies, check out if he's cool stoned, and make recommendations to improve his stoned experience. Maybe get better pot, switch to a bong, teach him how to roll a better joint, etc. Of course, if he's a bad stoner they will tell him to chill out and maybe take it a little easier on the bud. It's like that other show, but with a "twist"."
(Ed: I like this one because I'm always having to give my friends lectures on properly hydrating their weed.)
1. AIR DJing Competition:
the only prop would be a podium of some sort. Competitors would have to
really use their imagination, convincing holding a pair of invisible
headphones, spinning invisible records, pushing invisible buttons, and being
retarded jerkoffs to invisible people asking for requests.
A big mound of planted grass. every couple of hours, a portion of the grass
would be painted with a different color of eco-friendly paint so that you
could simultaneously watch grass grow and paint dry.
And one of mine:
A talking figurine that says either "That's what she said" or "That's what he said" when you push the button. Celebrites (or, you know, comedians) could do the voices. This could be sold at Spencer's Gifts and would pretty much eliminate the need for my presence at creative meetings at work.
(Incidentally, I'm making a "That's What He Said" tshirt this weekend.)
Now, send yours in! If you want.