(Photo by The Apiary. Bad photoshopping by me.)
Last night I gathered a ragtag gang of misfits to go to UCB's live talk show, "Bro'in Out" with guests Paul Rudd, Judah Friedlander, Gavin McIness and Tim Harrod. As we stood in the long line to get in, this aggressive photographer-chick was taking pictures of people on the line. Nobody in my group wanted to be photographed, so we blocked each other. Good thing, too, because turns out those photos were taken so that Gavin McIness could make fun of them, Vice dos and don'ts style, live on stage. It was, well, mean. Paul Rudd was great though and Judah brought out some pieces from his bad art collection, which has been online for a while but just never stops being funny. After the show, as Paul Rudd loosened his tuxedo necktie and smoked a cigarette just a few feet from us outside, David's Law became painfully relevant, but was dutifully, wistfully obeyed.
The Apiary has more pictures and a recap.
(Oh, at one part of the show, one of the hosts raised his glass and said "We just want to say "Congratulations, Hamas." The audience laughed and a girl behind me asked another girl "What did he say" and her friend answered "Something about pajamas.")