Coworker: I like that site, Overheard in New York.
Me: Me too!!!
Coworker: I sent something in once, and it got up on the site.
Me: Me too!!!
Coworker: I sort of cheated though. It was something I overheard but it was my friend who said it.
Me: ME TOO!!!!
(Michael assured me that it was okay to do that, though.)
* As Rachel announced, Ritalin Readings is coming back! It will be produced by Jon Friedman of Tremendous Rabbit Productions (of Rejection Show fame!) I'm also developing another regular show that will be a lot of fun. More on that later, of course.
* This weekend I watched a piece of shit movie I've seen before by the most hack writer/director alive, Your Friends and Neighbors, and I resolved to do the following:
1. I will become an actress.
2. I will get an audition for something.
3. I will use as my monologue the "Timmy" sauna speech by Jason Patric.
This will be my life's work.