I'm back from L.A., and:
* Last Laugh '05 was and will be really funny and good. Mark my words. Here are some previews - lots more to come.
* This weekend I thought a lot about David's Law. Named after a particularly awkward "I'm that drunk girl and you're my hero" encounter with David Cross in 2002, David's Law makes it illegal for me, Lindsay Robertson, to speak to a celebrity unless spoken to. David's Law was soooooo hard to obey this weekend, surrounded as I was by my comedy heroes, especially when Sarah Silverman literally ran into me, but I did it. It was really really hard. At one point I told my coworker "This is my level of self respect. This (hand ever so slightly lower) is how much I want to tell Sarah Silverman that I want to grow old with her." But I didn't! I was good! Yay for me. yay.
I promise I'll blog about other things besides Last Laugh this week. But seriously, it's going to be really good. I promise.