Much has been said this week about Rebecca Traister's Salon article, "Listless Lads" (Based on that age-old, tired fallacy: "Men don't like me. So there must be something wrong with men," but with a delightfully pretentious twist: in Rebecca's world, the rougher sex's lack of interest in marrying her represents not just a personal lament, but a seismic cultural shift!)
But I want to talk about the illustration that accompanied the article, above. Interesting trivia: this illustration was actually cropped. To the left of the frame, in the "disinterested male's" line of sight, is a woman with a personality who actually likes guys, but doesn't need them for validation, who isn't sure how she feels about marriage (because what sane person is?), who considers herself an equal to men without needing to discuss it, and who doesn't give a flying fuck about shoes.
But seriously: are they actually trying to tell us that these women walk around town reading books?
(Also, Kunkel actually said "Romantico-sexual.")