* The Times looks at coat check girls. I was a coat check girl at Fez for a couple months in the winter of 2002, after Talk Magazine went under and I lost my glamourous receptionist gig. I was allowed to charge as much as I wanted per coat and keep all the money. It was lucrative - one night I made $450, tax free, for about 6 hours of reading magazines, drinking unlimited free drinks, silently judging celebrities' manners and getting hit on by old guys who tipped extravagantly. Do not pity the coat check girl.
* Paris Hilton on SNL was the expected snore, but did anyone see the totally racist sketch in the beginning? Now, anyone who's been witness to my impression of an old Chinese woman on a cellphone or heard me describe my subway commute as a 'partial birth abortion' knows I'm about the least P.C. person ever when it comes to humor, but even I was offended by the portrayal of black people as obnoxious shoplifters. Just because everyone ended up friends in the end doesn't mean it wasn't horribly offensive. I basically judge portrayals of certain groups on TV by thinking "would this confirm what my parents wrongly think of (black people, gay people, etc)?" That sketch definitely did. Maybe SNL is just trying to find new ways to be awful.
* The other night the news lady on the TV set said this:
"There's a new disease that is worrying dentists across the country. It's called "Bleachorexia" and people who suffer from it cannot stop whitening their teeth."
And I said this:
"That is the most AWESOME thing I've ever heard in my entire life."