"I have long thought that cat food manufacturers should make cat food in colors that match popular flooring colors, since the hairy little bastards barf so much. You know, like "blue shag" or "oak."
- Chris Hampton
"Many people are familiar with the breathalizers built into automobiles that force multi-DUI offenders to prove sobriety before starting the engine.
Cell phones should have a similar feature. It could be built right into the microphone, and would prevent people from, oh I dunno, calling their exes at 4:23 and unleashing a furious string of profanity and/or admissions of sexual confusion.
On the reverse end, it would be handy to see the blood-alcohol content of incoming callers, to prevent the return call from said ex, who takes it upon herself to inform you of how many of your friends she's slept with."
- Alex Blagg
"Here's one I do remember - but i have to credit to my friend Jason... it's the bacon bikini. You make a bikini out of strips of bacon, your girlfriend lies out in the sun and later you have a tasty snack. We thought it would make a nice photo series."
And for the first time, a Highdea with a visual aid!
"So I said, what if there were a weekly gossip magazine a la US or InTouch or Star, but instead of obsessively chronicling the embarrassing things that happen to Lindsay Lohan et al, it would be about me and my friends? Alice immediately got excited about this concept and we started taking paparazzi stalker photos of everyone in the room, including a meticulously staged shot of Alice with a fake black eye. Everyone was like "You guys are going to wake up tomorrow and realize this was a Highdea." (Literally). We were like "No no this is actually going to be really funny."
And: voila. It is.
- Emily Gould and Alice Wetterlund