* I'm going to L.A. for work tomorrow through Monday, so I probably won't blog again until Tuesday. It's my first time visiting California, and while I'm sure I'll experience culture shock due to the traffic, smog, tans, Uggs, fake boobs, big cars, and strip malls, my weekend adventures in red light right-turns will not be documented here because I had this ephiphany: I will not be the first New Yorker to ever visit L.A. (Note: I will amend this policy if something particularly interesting happens, like I run into Jared Leto and get my picture with him while secretly holding a sign that says "Douche" and points to him or something. Yes, I had that blog-coup fantasy. Shut up.)
* On Sunday night at 10, watch my favorite comedian, Patton Oswalt's new one-hour comedy special on Comedy Central: Patton Oswalt: No Reason To Complain. Julie the Co-worker did a funny backstage interview with Patton a few weeks ago, in which he shares his Zombie preferences.
* I like this site: The Polka Dot Life. My favorites are the neck warmers and the jewelry. They'll have a booth on Sunday from 11:30-4 at Tonic's tag sale.
* My friend, Flak Magazine's Jim Norton, will be a guest on Al Franken's show on Air America today, around 1:30. He'll be talking about this week's Weekly Shredder.
So that "Nearsighted Item" "feature" thing was a success, huh? So who should the next target be? If you have a story about a celebrity who was a huge, entitled, smug, own-hype-believing self-taking-too-seriously asshole, send it here. Be sure to mention whether you want your name/link used. (And, like, "I tried to take a picture of Gwyneth's baby and Gwyneth frowned at me" doesn't count.)