Grab one of the people you want involved - let's say it's a girl. Point to the third party - let's say it's a boy. Say, "Check out that cute guy. Would you fuck him?" If she says yes, say, "Me too. Why don't we totally fuck him together?" Then - and most importantly - say, "Promise you won't be weird about it afterward?" If she promises, you’re all set. Once you've got the girl signed on to the project, roping in the boy should be a piece of cake."
-from my roommate's interview in Nerve's Sex Advice From DJ's.
This reminds me of a conversation I initiated with Sarah a few weeks ago after an interesting night at Misshapes - "Um, Sarah? Can we have a little discussion about which of your guy friends I'm allowed to make out with?" She laughed her ass off and gave me (almost) carte blanche. yay.