Ben and Lindsay Eat Lobster
Last night Ben and I went to dinner at Essex. It was Lobster night, and neither one of us had ever had whole lobster, so we decided to go for it. But when we saw the table next to us being served, we started to get nervous.
"Wait, why am I about to eat some SEA INSECT that CRAWLS AROUND on the ocean floor?" Ben said.
"The part of Lindsay Robertson will be played by Ben Chappel tonight" I replied, referring to my status as the World's Most Picky Eater.
Our lobsters came, and the waiter kindly instructed us on what to eat and how to eat it. We were both totally grossed out. Ben kept talking about how "this thing was alive five minutes ago" and invoking the creature's insectuous lineage. I tried really really hard to suppress my disgust and eat the thing, even pretending I was stranded on a deserted island to make the lobster seem not so bad, but it was no use. Ben and I both ended up having side dishes and bread for dinner, and using the lobsters as little action figures (apparently they liked each other). When Ben went to the bathroom, I pocketed my lobster's antennae, planning to break them out later at a bar and say "Oh my god, they FOLLOWED US HERE!" (But I forgot.)
So that was the first and last time I'll attempt to eat whole lobster. Ben and I decided that it was good that we tried it with each other, so this way we don't have to sit across from some epicure someday and pretend to relish "insect meat".